Current Weather Conditions at Princeton, Me.
Temperature: | 28.2°F | High Outside Temperature: | 28.2°F |
Inside Temperature: | 78.4°F | Low Outside Temperature: | 17.6°F |
Barometer: | 30.077 in | Barometer Trend: | Steady |
Low Barometer: | 29.803 in | High Barometer: | 30.079in |
Outside Dew Point: | 17.6°F | High Dew Point: | 17.0°F |
Inside Dew Point: | 30.0°F | Low Dew Point: | 8.0°F |
Outside Humidity: | 64% | Inside Humidity: | 17% |
Hi Outside Humidity: | 86% | Hi Inside Humidity: | 18% |
Low Outside Humidity: | 53% | Low Inside Humidity: | 16% |
Wind: | NW at 3.0 mph | High Wind: | 22.0mph |
10 Min. Avg. Wind Spd.: | 5.0mph | Time of High Wind Speed: | 11:40a |
Wind Direction in Degrees: | 313 | Wind Direction Sector: | NW |
Wind Chill: | 22.6 | Outside Heat Index: | 27.7°F |
Low Wind Chill: | 9.0 | High Heat Index: | 27.0°F |
Time of Low Wind Chill: | 3:01a | Time of High Heat Index: | 12:50p |
Today's Rain: | 0.00 in | Current Rain Rate: | 0.00 in |
Storm Total: | 0.00 in | High Rain Rate: | 0.00 in |
Monthly Rain: | 0.01 in | Yearly Rain: | 0.01 in |
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